Chatcraft AI: New Chat - ChatCraft AI

Chatcraft AI: Web-based AI Assistant for Software Developers

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New Chat - ChatCraft AI


What is ChatCraft?

ChatCraft is a web-based, expert programming AI assistant that helps programmers learn, experiment, and be more creative with code. It provides access to a vast array of AI technologies, including various AI models for different programming needs.

Features of ChatCraft

  • Offers a range of free AI models, including autogemma-2-9b-it, gemma-7b-it, llama-3-8b-instruct, and more
  • Allows users to create and share chats with others
  • Enables users to create functions to perform tasks
  • Provides an expert programming AI assistant to help with coding tasks

How to use ChatCraft

ChatCraft is a web-based platform, making it easily accessible from any device with an internet connection. Users can simply sign in with their GitHub or Google account to get started. Once logged in, users can create a new chat, share chats with others, and explore the various AI models available.

Can I use ChatCraft for free?

Yes, ChatCraft offers a range of free AI models that users can utilize for their programming needs. However, users may need to subscribe to a paid plan for additional features and extended access to certain AI models.

Helpful Tips for using ChatCraft

  • Explore the various AI models available to find the one that best suits your programming needs
  • Create and share chats with others to collaborate on projects
  • Use the function feature to perform tasks and streamline your workflow

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I add other AI providers to ChatCraft?

Yes, users can add other AI providers to ChatCraft to expand their access to different AI models and features.

How do I share a chat on ChatCraft?

Users can share a chat by clicking the Share Chat menu option in the chat header menu. This will generate a URL that can be shared with others, allowing them to read or duplicate the chat.

Is my data safe on ChatCraft?

ChatCraft values user privacy and ensures that user data is protected and not used for any training purposes. Users can delete their account at any time, and all their data will be removed as well.