Mochi Human Text: Mochi Human Text | Make AI sound human

Mochi Human Text: Make AI sound human

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Mochi Human Text | Make AI sound human


What is Mochi Human Text?

Mochi Human Text is an AI-driven platform that enables users to clone their writing style, making AI-generated content sound like their own writing. This innovative technology allows users to future-proof their content and avoid sounding like a bot.

Features of Mochi Human Text

Make AI text sound like your own writing: Mochi Human Text's AI learns your writing style and turns AI-generated text into your unique voice.

Infinitely scale your personality: With Mochi Human Text, you can automate AI to write like you, allowing you to scale your content creation infinitely.

No mandatory, restrictive monthly subscriptions: Mochi Human Text offers a straightforward pricing plan, where you only pay for what you use.

How does Mochi Human Text work?

Copy/paste your website's link: Share your website's link with Mochi Human Text.

AI learns your writing style: The AI technology learns your unique writing style and tone.

Turn AI text to your writing style: The AI-generated text is transformed to sound like your own writing.

Pricing of Mochi Human Text

Mochi Human Text offers two plans:

Free: 500 words, with a default human voice provided, and email support.

Paid: Unlimited words, starting at $8, with a default human voice provided, training to sound like you, priority support, and API access.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need Mochi Human Text?

Auto AI content is already happening, but everyone knows because AI text sounds robotic. Mochi Human Text helps you make AI text sound like you, so you can clone your personality and be authentic at scale.

Will my writing style be used by others?

No, any AI modeled after your writing style will be used only by you.

Is there an API?

Yes, you can use Mochi Human Text's API to humanize text in bulk, and automatically.

If I don't make a custom AI, can I still turn AI text into human text?

Yes, but the "human voice" won't be in your voice.

If I don't have a website, can the AI clone my voice?

Not right now, but in the future, you'll be allowed to upload documents of your past writing instead of a website.

How much money does it take to train an AI?

We recommend around 30K words (+/- 20%) to get the AI to write like you to the point where it can pass AI detectors for text in any niche. Around $7.2 to $10.8. Higher end of the spectrum is better. Less is needed if you need the AI to write in the same niche as the website you're training the AI on (around 20K words).