Telly AI: Telly AI

Telly AI: Watch the worlds greatest books in TikTok style episodes.

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Telly AI


What is Telly?

Telly is an AI-driven platform that provides access to a vast array of AI technologies for creating video stories. It allows users to generate videos from ideas in just 60 seconds.

Features of Telly

  • Create videos from ideas in 60 seconds
  • Access to a vast array of AI technologies
  • Explore various video story templates and ideas
  • Create videos with AI-driven tools

How to use Telly

Every user can utilize Telly's AI-driven tools to create videos from ideas. Simply input your idea, and Telly's AI technology will generate a video story in 60 seconds.

Can I create different types of videos on Telly?

Yes, with Telly's AI-driven tools, users can create various types of videos, including:

  • AI video stories
  • Animated videos
  • Text-to-video generation
  • Image-to-video generation

How many video templates are available on Telly?

Telly offers a vast array of video templates and ideas, with over 257k videos created by users. Users can explore and create videos from various categories, including drama, comedy, romance, and more.

Will my information be used for training data?

We highly value user privacy, and your data will not be used for any training purposes. If needed, you can delete your account at any time, and all your data will be removed as well.

When would I need a Telly subscription?

If you heavily rely on Telly's AI-driven tools and need extended access beyond the free usage limits, we invite you to subscribe to our affordable products.

Helpful Tips

  • Explore Telly's community and Discord for more updates and inspiration
  • Leverage Telly's AI-driven tools to create unique and engaging video stories
  • Experiment with different video templates and ideas to find what works best for you

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I get started with Telly?
    • Simply sign up and start exploring Telly's AI-driven tools and video templates.
  • Can I monetize my videos created on Telly?
    • Yes, users can monetize their videos created on Telly through various means, including ads, sponsorships, and more.
  • How do I delete my account on Telly?
    • Users can delete their account at any time, and all their data will be removed as well.