Tiempo AI: PathPilot - AI Walkthroughs

Tiempo AI: PathPilot is an AI customer success agent that helps your users understand your software products.

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PathPilot - AI Walkthroughs


What is PathPilot?

PathPilot is an innovative AI-driven platform that enhances user retention and improves outcomes by guiding users through seamless onboarding and support, ensuring they achieve their goals effectively.

Features of PathPilot

  • Founded by former Facebook employees Victor and Vlad
  • Leverages AI to transform customer interactions into successful and satisfying experiences
  • Provides step-by-step instructions and highlights relevant features to help users accomplish their goals efficiently

How to Use PathPilot

Step 1: Train the AI Agent

Import documentation and video files to extract user flows, enabling PathPilot to understand and map out the necessary steps and processes within your software.

Step 2: Users Consult PathPilot

When users need assistance, they can interact with the PathPilot agent, asking questions or seeking guidance through the interface.

Step 3: PathPilot Guides Users

PathPilot directs users through the interface, providing step-by-step instructions and highlighting relevant features to help them accomplish their goals efficiently.

Pricing of PathPilot

Get early access to PathPilot's innovative AI-driven platform and transform your customer interactions.

Helpful Tips for Using PathPilot

  • Show PathPilot how to use your software, and it will show your users
  • Leverage PathPilot's AI-powered guidance to improve user retention and outcomes
  • Use PathPilot to provide seamless onboarding and support to your users

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PathPilot used for?

PathPilot is used to guide users through seamless onboarding and support, ensuring they achieve their goals effectively.

How does PathPilot work?

PathPilot works by training an AI agent to understand and map out the necessary steps and processes within your software, and then guiding users through the interface with step-by-step instructions.

Is PathPilot easy to use?

Yes, PathPilot is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, providing step-by-step instructions and highlighting relevant features to help users accomplish their goals efficiently.